Welcome to HAPI, a business support organization.



About HAPI

The Home Accents Group of the Philippines, Inc. (HAPI) is a private non-profit, non-stock corporation duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Founded by Mr. Luis S. Sicat in 1993, HAPI, then known as Philippine Export Traders and Services Association, Inc. (PHILEXTRA) brought together export traders and export manufacturers whose main objective is to effectively promote Philippine products in the global market. With the passing of years, HAPI also opened its membership to export-related services. This significant move allowed the organization to have a wider-reach in the industry, and likewise increased its membership.

HAPI is also considered as the pioneer organization that works actively to send its members to participate in various international trade fairs. In 2000, HAPI participated in various trade shows in Hong Kong, Milan, and Frankfurt, and every year thereafter. HAPI’s recognition of the value of design and leading trends encouraged the organization to work with notable designers such as Mr. Wataru Sakuma and Mr. Rommel Viloria.


The Home Accents Group of the Philippines, Inc. (HAPI) is a proud Philippine organization that aspires to educate, inspire, continue to innovate and lead internationally compliant exporters of gifts, decors, and housewares and its allied services, to preserve and promote the industry’s culture, heritage, and tradition through its products and sustainable programs.


To provide various and inspired “tatak pinoy” export products, services, and support that are globally competitive.

To sustain and continuously increase HAPI members through strengthened partnerships and globally competitive programs and benefits, educate both technical and non-technical from qualified educators, trainers.

HAPI to introduce new networking solutions supportive of the evolving times and changes.